
Warning to passing boats: Madonna to Cast Her Sins into Mediterranean Sea

jpost tourism blog reports that Madonna (our favorite pop singer and (non) kabbalist) will be performing tashlich ("casting off of sins accumulated over the past year") on the beach in Tel Aviv this year.

Small craft alert - you may be swamped by the turbulent seas that follow.
Pop star Madonna knows where she'll be performing tashlich this year. Do you? The singer, who will spend her second Rosh Hashana in Israel this month, will participate in the traditional High Holy Days ceremony on the shores of the Mediterranean, where she'll join other participants on her Kabbalah Center trip in throwing bread crumbs into the water. The ceremony, a symbolic casting off of sins accumulated over the past year, is just part of the season-long process of requesting forgiveness.
More from jpost on High Holiday touring while we are on the subject...
For non-pop stars still struggling to decide where they'd like to perform slichot, or forgiveness prayers, Mini Israel is offering a solution: the entire country. The Latrun park, which features 360 models of historical and religious sites around Israel, is promoting special slichot tours of its grounds, where visitors can, within a short period, visit places of religious importance including Rachel's Tomb and the Cave of Machpela. Those unable to visit the actual Western Wall in Jerusalem this year can place private messages to the Almighty in a collection box next to a replica of the site - which, like the park's other replicas, is precisely 4 percent the size of the real thing. Visitors' notes left at Mini Israel are delivered to the original Western Wall every Thursday. Organized slichot tours of Mini Israel should be arranged in advance, park officials note.
Pardon me but I do not see the connection between the Penetential Prayers and the Mini Israel park.

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